Is GcMAF the real reason why holistic doctors are being found dead?

Is GcMAF the real reason why holistic doctors are being found dead?

(NaturalHealth365) It is a fact learned way back in elementary school: the immune system plays a critical role in helping the body resist and fight disease. Yet, that simple fact has become the link in a growing controversy that includes everything from accusations of quackery to conspiracy to commit murder.

Nearly a dozen holistic doctors have been reported missing or dead, though none were known to have any life-threatening health condition. Naturally, many people are wondering: What’s the link among them?

Shockingly, all were in some way involved in activities related to the use of a naturally occurring immunity-boosting protein known as GcMAF to lessen the effects of autism and other health-related conditions.

Big pharma does NOT want you to know about GcMAF research

Holistic-Oral-Health-Summit-Hate-This-Man-300x300GcMAF is a protein made naturally by the body that helps the immune system ward off cancer and other disease on a day-to-day basis.

Human GcMAF, sometimes referred to as ‘vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor,’ is believed by many to hold great potential in the treatment of autism, cancer, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinson’s disease plus other chronic health conditions. Nearly 60 research papers have been published on GcMAF since 1990.

GcMAF is a critical component of the body’s immune system. In fact, the immune system can’t function without it. GcMAF is found naturally in the blood and stimulates what is known as the macrophage component of the immune system to help it destroy cancer cells and viral invaders. It also works by blocking the supply of nutrients to cancer cells by squeezing off blood vessel development at the site.

Research has shown these same actions can also help the body in reducing the effects of a number of neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, as well as inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. You can learn more about the effectiveness of GcMAF by watch this YouTube video below:

In addition, here’s (video) proof of the search warrant issued to raid Dr. Jeff Bradstreet’s office and seize everything related to GcMAF – just days before his death.


Was Dr. Jeff Bradstreet killed because of GcMAF?

The use of GcMAF to treat autism was a hallmark of ongoing research by Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, a man-of-the-cloth-turned-physician who was also a prominent voice in the anti-vaccine movement. Dr. Bradstreet was himself the parent of both a child and stepchild who suffered from autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Bradstreet had treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF, with an 85 percent response rate.

Sadly, Dr. Bradstreet was found dead on June 19, the victim of a gunshot wound to the chest that local officials suggest was self-inflicted. Family members believe otherwise.

Like several other holistic physicians among those to die mysteriously or disappear over just a few week’s time, Dr. Bradstreet had been working to identify the link between vaccinations and autism.

Are the police or investigators looking into the link between toxic vaccines, GcMAF and the death of these doctors?

In the months preceding his death, Dr. Bradstreet began delving into the study of nagalase and its potential role in autism and other conditions. Nagalase is an enzyme produced by cancer cells and viruses. But, wait, there’s more…

Thinking it unlikely children with autism have undiagnosed cancers, the doctor turned his attention to viral etiology. He concluded the often-observed autoimmune issues – found in autistic patients – was likely due to persistent, unresolved viral infections. In fact, Dr. Bradstreet claimed to have tested over 400 children with autism for the viral marker nagalase, finding nearly 80 percent had significantly elevated levels.

The plot thickens: Evidence reveals a ‘secret’ cause of disease

What Dr. Bradstreet and the other dead or missing holistic doctors may have begun to suspect was that nagalase has been intentionally added to vaccines. This would be one reason for the vaccine/autism correlation, and it also explains the broader array of health risks associated with vaccinations.

Whether Dr. Bradstreet and others like him had strong evidence to support this, they at least had begun to reveal the secret. It is known that most, if not all, of the doctors who recently died or disappeared were somehow connected to treatment practices involving GcMAF to prevent the negative effects of nagalase.

Less disease leads to a lowered need for pharmaceuticals and a negative impact on big pharma profits.  In addition, the growing doubt in vaccinations weaken health official recommendations to follow vaccination programs and reduces profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

For many, these facts are enough to fuel suspicion that pharmaceutical companies are adding nagalase to their products and that there is more to these doctors’ deaths and disappearances than mere coincidence.

Stay tuned to NaturalHealth365 as this story unfolds.


Vaccines & Autism

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